West High Interact

Service above self


About interact

Interact, a high school division of Rotary International, is the second largest community service club at West High School. Just like other service clubs, we hold weekly meetings and have volunteering events. So what makes us different from other clubs? First, we have a wide selection of weekly volunteering events for you to choose from. We do everything, from helping teachers grade papers to gardening! Secondly, we hold multiple mixers and bonding activities throughout the year with other Interact clubs. This is a great way to make new friends! Finally, Interact offers exclusive opportunities such as our Rotary Youth Leadership Assembly (RYLA), a life changing weekend leadership camp, or opportunities to travel to other countries such as France and Jamaica through the Rotary Youth Exchange Program! Overall, Interact offers a once in a life time-experience that can't be replicated by any other club!

TUSD Summer Academy




Next week in interact


We are very excited to incorporate events in order to give back to our community!


2 points = 1 hour

.5 points per meeting

20 points to be active per semester


RYLA Leadership Camp